Before buying my first bike, I had the following points in my mind for my dream bike:
1) Great Looks
2) Decent Mileage (Around 40+)
3) Low maintenance
4) Good Handling & Control
5) Price below 70 k
6) 150CC
I have a black hunk, which I have been driving for the last 45 days. And my experience with this bike is "BAD"The follwing are the positives which I found in this bike:
1) Ofcourse the looks are good, I would say a nice change than usual pulsars, specially the headlights. Best in its class.
2) Macho looking petrol tank
3) Raised up pillion rider seat which gives it a nice sporty look
4) Disk brakes works good
5) Decent pick up (But cant match a PULSAR)
6) Good handling & control.
And following are the its negative points, which are less but very strong (atleast for me):
1) Very Poor Mileage, giving me 30 to 35 km/litre (even after 1st service) I would not have complained if it was delivering atleast 40 km/litre but..........................!!!!!
2) Whenever the bike is not driven for a few hours, some weird engine problem starts occuring, though it starts in the first kick, the engine automatically gets switched off, if I m not throttling it rapidly, which continues till the engine gets sufficiently heat up.
3) Headlight is not strong enough, you can literally see your bikes shadow when a vehicle lits u from behind, even from a scooter or mopeds.
4) Starting problem during rain.
5) Rear brakes makes a very uncomfortable sound.
6) A bit heavy (ofcourse its a subjective point)
People, this bike is only for those who are not at all concerned about mileage & can live up with the nagging engine issue which I have mentioned.