I bought a black Hunk yesterday( 2008.08.25) from Stafford Motors agent in Kelaniya: Sri Lanka( Looms Motors).
Im really impressed with the excellent finish and material quality of the bike and still to evaluate its endurance and performance. The engine and gear box are so smooth that I felt little boring at times when I rode it home last night:). bike is heavy and feels stable. but didnt push it to limits as still on first service period.
So far I have traveled only 150Km on it, I find it very comfortable for me( 511" 95Kg)
I dont expect this bike to do 108Km/l as this is a 150CC bike, and will be most satisfied if I achieve around 45km/l. so I vote 100% for its fuel consumption for now.
Will update in coming days about my experience on it.
Feels like I made a good choice so far.
End of the day meter read 180km and refueled 6.4 litres of 90 octane petrol(lead free) as fuel meter went near the empty mark.( yesterday I loaded 3.2 litres) . looks like im getting around 50km/l:)
I was compelled to rev up the engine a bit today when I was doing a overtake, even first service is no where near. Hope it didnt messed the engine. :) felt very good about the pickup and control.
The catalysis unit and leaded petrol
Dont use leaded petrol on Hunk, It will compromise the catalysis unit integrated to the silencer.
The catalysis unit is said to oxidize poisonous gases coming out from the engine in to co2 and H2O,
Cool feature, even this have no effect to the performance of the bike, its good for the environment.
there are lot of GREEN features in the bike if you read the manual. Will post more when I have time.
*and I found that the front break levers rubber cover was missing in my bike.
Is it the same on other Hunks? pls some one verify that for me. *
and Today is a rainy day here for us, ( India - Sri Lanka match also disturbed:)
No problems with the bike, I saw one guy complaining that his hunk gave trouble in rainy days.
must be my luck today then, ;) actually all major electric parts are well covered, only thing can happen is the air filter getting spayed from a side shot.( very unlikely) .
The engine/bike is so silent that only thing you can here while riding riding is the intake system breathing air when you squeeze the throttle a bit, followed by a soft air blowing sound from the muffler. Feels little boring sometimes to be so silent.
Head lights are great, even it dims a bit at low revs, on normal speed( 40kmph), its really bright and spreads over the road very well.
bye folks, c u tomorrow with more updates.
2008 08 28
The bike continues to give comfortable 80KM ride per day for me.
Not tiring at all, Today I did 37Km to the office through windy shortcut avoiding the high way.
took 1 hour and 15 minutes. didnt pushed the bike over 45Kmph today. now 260Km on the meter . may be I can take it to service in the week end:)
I today felt Feel rear brakes are ineffective. only slows down the bike, no stopping power at all. have to rely on the front disk alone, I have to look in to it in the service session. may be this is because the brake pads are new. but still enough brakes for the speeds I ride at the moment, but surely not enough after the first service, on my prevoius bike I did my~40KM ride in 45 minutes which needs to ride over 80Kmph most of the time.
74KMs total for today. did a very slow ride home in the evening. no issues at all.
perfect t handling,
Well folks looks like My Hunk is not giving out any news these days to post here, So I will get back after the first service to update you guys.
Hope this is useful to guys who like to buy Hunk. My recommendation is go for it, if u need a kool ride with comfort and control with sustaining reliability over years of hard use. but you need to have some extra$ in the pocket to feed the hungry engine often.:)
2008 08 29
400KM total passed, Im falling in love with the bike .
I cant hurt it now, I didnt pass 40Km/h limit to day, I did that in the first days, even touched 60kmph.
Now Im sorry for that. No dramas with this bike yet , Just silk smooth diamond cut precision work:)
A scratch in the engine makes me worried, some one must have done it when Its in the parking space:( eagerly waiting till the first service session.
and I adjusted the rear brake lever a bit yesterday, now it works to my satisfaction, earlier it was little spongy. So I removed the rear brakes issue from the cons: section.
2008 09 03
my Hunk is grounded as 500Kms is completed and I have no time to take it to service station.
Travelled by Bus today:(
2008 09 07
Given the First service:) professional work by Indika Motors, Werallawaththa, Installed a pair of Front shock boots and a seat cover . Went to Bellanwila temple( 110Kms total trip) with GF, just another smooth operating day with the bike. Im discontinueing the update of this review,
As per my experience, I can reccomend Hunk with no doubt at all, Its a gentle work horse with extra great looks. Comfortable, Safe, handles great even on wet/dampned roads( its rainy season here, I ridden most of the miles in rain from the current 800Kms total) Very good value for every ruppee I paid. Willing to mod the bike after next service point, may be wider tires, a security system. I have lot in mind. so folks hope this helped some one a bit, SAFE RIDING MATES!
2008 09 24
thought of updating the review since 2000KMs are done now,
Now im enjoying 60Kmph @ 45 KMPL and ride 80 - 100 KMs a day.
its a pleasure to ride the bike as the first day I ridden it.
had a issue lately with the rear right shock absorber, there was a oil leak and my service agent replaced it with a new one in 15 minutes after I complained it.:)
They also wash the bike for a very reasonable price and blow dried and polished too. Cant get that look when I do the washing at home. great people there at Indika Motors, Yakkala, Sri Lanka
I wish to fit a tire hugger to my Hunk( one like in Bajaj bikes) since the tire pumps mud and water all over when going in wet roads.
Issue with the rear brakes not solved yet, very weak rear brakes, as I mentioned earlier, NO Stopping power at all, I dont know is it the same with other Hunks. but surely it needs some more rear braking power, as the front shocks are getting over worked.
bye for now