After ambition Hero Honda release its most reliable wheel. My father and both uncles love bike. As a result our family had allmost every bike of 150 seagment . I had ridden pulsar, unicorn, hunk and CBZ xtream. So any one ask me, which bike is best, I will definitly suggest him for Hero Honda Hunk.
Though unicorn is good too but for the new riders it will be a problem in double carry on a mono sspension bike. CBZ Xtream is also good but it lacs stability on high speed as the bike is over higt and also not comfortable on long journey. If you guies want a pleaserful long trip then go for Hero Hond Hunk. Some where as the matter of mileage this bike lacks a bit but thats negotiable because you cant get a refined stylish bike in this price!! Hunk is truly value for price.