Hi Friends,
I am new to this site and Bikes as well. friends here about me briefly; I am 5.5"( 165 cm) and 63kg weight, I only stays in india 1 month out of a year and rest abroad. and I never had a bike b4. now I really want to buy a bike this time when I come back home. I really Impressed in Hunk. but I herad that this bike is heavy to controle for the people like my hight and weight, Is it tru? if u think this bike is not good for me which bike u guys advice me. I really like Honda made( even if some other made good for me I wil go for it), what about Unicorn?
I am not a fast rider, not more than 60-70 on our roads. I live in Tirupathi, i dont mind to spend @70000 and really I want a special bike to show up because I never had a bike b4 when all my friends had one. can you guys please advice me, I will be very thankfull to u guys.
Thanks and regards,