Question is - Howz the bike???? Ill leave that for you to judge. Ill just give you a feedback based on my experience this far.. My bike is about 2 months old and have covered about 2000 kms. Most of the reviews here have high lit the good aspects, hence I wont go into those aspects in detail.
The good points that deserve a comment:
Handling: Extremely good. Holds the road well. Takes the turns well too.
Looks: It is subjective no doubt. But to me it looks pretty macho.
Breaking: Pretty good. Slows down fairly well.
Ride: Has a very smooth feel. Even when you lower the gear and accelerate, it does not throw you back. The pillion rider feels safe as well.
The bads:
Gear Shift: Extremely pathetic. Does not feel like a honda. Very rough. When one downs the gears, it does not fall that well. youd have to leave the clutch and then get back to lowering the gears. And in many cases you loose count of the gear your on.
Seating: Theyve made good with the pillion riders seat. If you look at the bike, youll notice the pillions seat is pretty straight, this helps the pillion not slip forward when the bike breaks. However, the riders seat slopes down too much hence the rider has to keep adjusting himself every few minutes. The distance between the rider and pillion is fairly big. So if your takin your girlfriend out; well Boo Hoo!!
Posture: The bike does not have the sporty sitting posture. One does not lean forward while riding when compared to the pulsars and if you notice the rider does not sit straight either. Ive started developing an upper back pain just 10 days after I got the bike. Im of average height, and most people fall with in this hight bracket. I think the taller guys may find this bike pretty comfortable.
Sound: The engine sound was practically nil when I got it first. Doesnt give you the rev. when you pump up the gas. However, the engine sound has increased a little and I dont know if thats a good thing or a bad thing.
Millage: Ive kept my speed at an average of 50 kmh. and Ive always got a millage of about 48 kml. I figure at that speed one should get about 53 - 55 ideally.
Head Lights: Pretty bad. Most of vehicles on road have much stronger head lights. If your a person who does a lot of night riding, specially fast, get a brighter light..
All in all, I think its a good bike. Seems worth its price. Most of the bads here are not too big a deal. With a couple of adjustments these can be overcome except for the gear shift problem. And the bike coming from HH, Im sure it will be fairly reliable. (Ive owned a couple of bikes before the hunk including a Royal Enfield, and am talking about reliability from experience)