This is d 1st review im writing at MS after 3 and half months of ridin Hunk in Goa . HH Hunk is actually an excellent bike in terms of handling , control, pick up as well give gud mileage if driven accordingly.
Till date the max milg I hav got is 56 and worst is 46 and dat also on city + highway(40:60 ratio) . Initially bfore servicing I was finding d gears a little hard, but now after 2 servcngs dey are normal lik makkhan, but sometimes probl at comg 2 neutral.
Recently I observed 2 times dat bike did not start after presin self as well kick, so a mechanic stays nearby 2 my house , he adviced to mix some 2T bike eng oil wid petrol tank and dan c, now bike is ok no problems. In detail I will give u d pros and cons of d bike as below
Positive points
1) You wil feel like a king riding des bike, wid all d girls checkin u and ur bike as todays roads are filled wid Pulsars.
2) Dis bike being heavy grips d road like a lizard and u dont feel dat u wil slip even in d monsoons( now a days monsoons are der in Goa and u must b knowing how heavily it rains in here)
3) Mileage bet 45-55 km/ltr depening on ur style of driving(use less of clutch and dont ride rough) .
4) comfortable ride even after 2-3 hrs riding continuosly, earlier I had pasion plus and due to its suspension I had a back pain after riding during day, Shocks are superb , front and back
5) Topmost speed I hav ridden is 91km/hr no vibration nothing, infact after 70- 80 kms/hr it is more smooth dan below it
Negative points
1) The pillion rider is too comfortable behind, for ex if you are siting wid ur gf behind , dan she wil not fal on ur back as it happens on pulsar on applying brakes
2) While parking , as it requires more of space so dat no scratches 2 bike
3) Sme screws conected on fairing and elsewhere , have started getin rusted
4)A little heavy to pick up if it falls down
5)Wid d seat covr design , only suitable 4 two people(but acceptable in todays times)
6)Faring and back could had been better to make it more attractive
So guys who are planning 2 buy new bike in 150 cccategory go for dis bike becoz it may seem heavy for u at first sight but while ridin it u can feel d comfort and grip.