I got my ZMR on Sep 3, 2010 for 104K. What an amazing machine !!!
Lets go on ride ……
Power and Pickup:
First gear pickup is good but not great. ZMR really zooms off on 2nd and 3rd gears. Stay on 3K RPM and experience great throttle response at any gear. This one is really useful while overtaking and had helped me a lot. Throttle response is the smoothest and fastest ever I have experienced in any Indian stock bike. The bike makes 0-60 in approx 5 secs.
From 60 to 100 is all the way fun as ZMR can reach 100 mark without even breaking sweat. Till today I have reached till 120 - 125 mark many times (Solo and with pillion) easily but afterwards had to slow down because of Indian road conditions. Afterall safety is first ... still I wish to go for more one day because I feel ZMR is capable of that and will update in the review ...
Power delivery and torque is awesome. We had more than 160 KG of payload and going to Mahabaleshwar. All the way in Ghats I can climb very easily on 4th and 5th gears. In very few occasions I had to come down to 3rd or 2nd gear. There is no shortage of power or torque whats so ever. On highways, you are cruising at 70 and rev the bike above 6K RMP ... you will be amazed ... just ride ZMR and experience this by yourself. The engine and gearbox is superb in these terms.
I am getting around 220 +- 7 Kms in Rs 300 Petrol which I feel quiet OK for such a big engine. (at current rate Rs 57 per lit, this is around 41 to 43 KMPL in Pune city traffic with double seat always). While on highways the bike will gives me approx 53 KMPL.
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The bike was very new to me and this was challenge for the first few days to take the bike in dense traffic. The bike requires own space because of the sheer size but in the provided space its not at all issue to ride peacefully. The handle is lightweight. Split handle bars are great looking but very little
adjustable. Turning radius is bigger because of length but after little practice its not the issue. The most important is the handling is same with solo and with pillion riding. The bike is very well balanced as well. On slow speeds I dont need to touch ground frequently.
On highways riding ZMR is bliss. I have got all the space and great bike to ride. Just zoom on and experience a real smooth and comfortable ride. The little tilted yet upright posture makes ZMR a great tourer. No fatigue, no sore bums and/or wrists, no pain in neck and/or back.
Stock tubeless tyres provide excellent grip and stability on all surfaces. I really feel that the rear tyre looks skinny on this big bike. I think HH should opt for Michelin tyres and rear tyre should be at least 110 wide for added grip, stability and ofcourse looks. Front and rear discs are fantastic and will
stop the bike in time when I need to. The breaks are not simply GO or STOP. They respond very good in case of suddent breaking. There is no fear of skidding.
I ride a lot between Pune and Mumbai. Till today I have done 7 trips and that contributes to huge running in such a small duration. Precisely my one way trip is 112 Kms and I complete it in normally 1.5 to 2 hrs non stop. Another long distance travels are Mahabaleshwar, Thoseghar, Bhimashankar (all about 120 - 140 KMS oneway) and my native place in Ahmednagar (this is the longest one nearly 185 KMs oneway). I never ever faced any issues about the stability, reliability and posture during any of my trips.
Seating position is slightly tilted yet very comfortable. My left palm pain after sometime (say 30 mins) when I am in traffic with frequent use of clutch. On long rides the seating is quiet comfortable and I can ride non stop 1.5 to 2 hrs usually. After that bottom will start aching and need to stop for 15 - 20 mins.
ZMR will feel heavy ONLY when taking on and off the stand.
Cosmetics and Console:
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Engine and Gearbox:
Well not into technalities inside ....
The engine sound is cool but sometimes I feel it has very rapid idle firing (at about 1200 RPM). When reved it sounds very nice and smooth. Sometimes, I feel the ZMA-R fires very smooth as compared to the ZMR (May be I am comparing used ZMA with new ZMR). ZMR has comparatively heavy / deep firing. Even the new engine feels very much refined, well tuned and it makes the same idling sound at the time of starting and after 1 hr of riding. The engine stays refined and sane after long and speedy rides. I went to Satara (120+ Kms) within 1.5 hrs non stop. The engine did not even show signs of slight fatigue and then we proceeded to Mahabaleshwar. There are slight vibrations at saree guard and rear foot rest at about 70 Kmph but after that there is no feeling of any vibrations all the way till the top speed achieved by me. The oil cooling is great in terms of its job. However, sometime in long duration in traffic (Where we are bonnet to bonnet) I can feel the heat on my left thigh where the oil radiator is located. When taken on long rides outside city and I have steady speeds there is no such feeling of heat or whats so ever. My full regards to Honda (not HH) for such great performing engine.
Not sure about the gear ratios, still with the pillion I do not need to come down to first gear unless its startup from 0. Till today I have gear shifting as below and never had any problems of knocking engine or shortage of power.
1st: 0 - 20 KMPH
2nd: 10 - 30 KMPH
3rd: 25 - 50 KMPH
4th: 35 - 70 KMPH
5th: 50 - 125 KMPH
Initially the gears were stiff and will make khut khut sound while changing. But now after the usage and couple of servicings the gears are very smooth and even the pillion will not recognize when the gears are changed from 3 - 4 and 4 - 5. The upshift is very smooth as compared to downshift. Downshift sometime makes thud sound when changing from 5 - 4 and 4 - 3. There is no false neutral ever.
Here and There:
I feel that the headlight should be little more powerful.
iGRS at rear are cool and improve the ride significantly. I have changed the setting to the softest and its a miraculous ride.
I put normal BP petrol in bike. Is there need for high octane fuel for this bike. Is the bike engine suitable for the high octane fuels. Please suggest.
Try to keep the new engine below 3000 RPM. Its not about the speed (usually 40 - 50 Km/H for first 1000 Kms), its about the RPM of the engine.
Seat is simply great for me and provides cool position. The huge seat provides generous space for two ppl. The pillions do not need to lean on rider as they got ample space to rest. This improves riding with pillion if compared to R15. If pillion ladies are sitting one sided, please have another suitable bike in garage or pull out your car. ZMR is not for it.
Do not keep shoe laces free while riding the loops of laces will get entangled in the gear shift lever as its a toe shift. I had this horifying experience once and now I keep the laces loops tucked inside shoes while riding.
For my biking I got a special harness made from a local tailor which can attach to the saree guard and will hold my water bottles, approx 5 liters. This helps me a lot as I am not carrying any big load in my backpack.