I own a black Colored beauty, , (not Kama R). I want all kzma fans attention here all ppl with right attitude are welcome. I want to discuss some of the issue which I could not find on mouthshut........
So please revert if you can help me with these issues...to start with I ll go with positive s of bike then we ll discuss -ves...
To be frank I thnk Zma is balanced ride..it has got da comfort, style, performance..in all aspects it is way ahead than other bikes in india..you feel confident...you enjoy da ride even if you drive it for 5 mins. Most amazing is that it is refined & do not let you feel bumps on the roads it absorbs them easily.
Seating posture is perfect..international gear system is superb...the odometer gives you the feel as if you are flying a jet...its very neat & perfactly placed..many more reasons why 1 should go for this bike...Everyhtings Just perfect. Now we ll go for negatives where I need some help from all Guys who ll read this review even your small help is very useful..to make this review good..let me know about you takes on below points..
1)I thnk seat can be made comfortable by using Sft foam or anyhting which ll help a ride to be more
comfortable...e.g TVS Victor is having very soft & comfortable seat..Can we modify?Any ideas?
2) In rainy season the outlet to pass water in the petrol tank gets choked up & the water falls inside I hv cleaned pipe 3 times but no solution yet...Any ideas?
3)HH has not given any petrol tap Locking for Kzma I dont understand why it is so because petrol
in my vehicle has been stolen several times...there is no solution except you put security system..
even security system is not full proof..any ideas? but I hv solved this prob 4 time...ll tell u if any1
facin da same..
4)i thnk headlight is not powerful enough if any particular voltage bulb can solve the problem plz let
me know dat..
5)If I want to change my battery ..touchwood even after more than 3 yrs doin really well even though I put security system, double Singer horns, engine bulb with yellow colour which looks hot
ll soon update the picture of my beast..Plz tell me which battery to go for if I hv to & why..
6) VIMP 1 my odometer gets trip everytime I use self start..whats da soln?
i want experts or experienced ppl like me to take part in it & recommend me for above..
7)Also wats da soln if disk brake is catcnin rust wat can be done?
8)Has any1 changed break fluid for disk break ? wen its to be done?
9) has any1 changed front fork oil when its to be done? I hv heard it should not changed is this
*10) Also Plz discuss here about Adv & Dadv of K&N, Modifications like puttin belly (engine cover reduces engine life), is any spray oor anything available in Mkt which keeps vehicle shiny or increases lifeof vehicles colour, ..........................