Hi all
here I m back with another review this time on karizma.
Karizma ---- the uncapable champion.
y Champion simply bcos no other 4-s bike in india currently can put some competition in front it. its fastest and Quickest.
y Uncapable its 223cc but only 16.8 bhp.(seriously underpowered)i think it could and should have mores horses.
lets analize.
can u compare a pulsar with Karizma? logically no.
to compare somethin we need to select a certain datum and then considering both contenders at that datum the comparision is done.
means consider a 223 cc pulsar than think that how it will perform.
surely it will zip past Zma and thats by a huge margin.
Zma has 223 cc engine but only 16.8 bhp which is a real shame. the latest p180 is pumping 16.5 bhp.
a 223 cc pulsar will (i think) pump about 19 bhp and will provide much better max speed and accelaration.
Zma cant deliever that what we expect frm a 223 bike.
hey dont get me wrong. Zma is a gr8 bike. its engine, though underpowerful, is a very good piece of engineering. its highly reliable and most imp its gr8ly refined.
i personlly like this bike very much.
its a stunner, and has very good handling.
i donot want to write a big review about the bike rather moreon about whats the future (i think) of this bike.
so I will write imp points.
best pickup no bike (4 stroke) can beat it. many people think that P180 can beat it but its their misunderstanding.
gr8 handling this bike is huge but handles like fish in water.straight line handing is the level best.
Fuel efficeincy this is cool. the best part is consistency. 35 kmpl is the most common fig.
reliable gr8ly reliable.
status the best part of this bike.this bike has the standard feel. everyone notices u when u r on it.
back to what I want to prove here.
as I was saying the Zma, the current champion, will be dethroned by someother bike sooner or later.
how ? lets analize by comparing with CBZ
when CBZ was launched it was the best as thats was the only 150 at time.same here, similarly Zma is one of its kind.
now when competition has moved ahead CBZ is losing only in one feild and thats a major one--Fuel efficiency. the same will ( surely) happen to Zma, another bike (may be bajaj, honda or tvs) will deliever same performance with better efficiency or same efficiency with better performance. the Zam will lose only in one feild.
now CBZ needs a CV carb badly. the Zma may need a monoshock badly as I expect that by that time (say 12 more months) all perfomance bikes will have a monoshock (like we have CV carb on all performance bike today)
4 Zma is a stunner and will remain.the CBZ is still the best looking 150cc (for me at least)
the new bikes will certainly be gorgeous but Zma wont loose her beauty and big bike feel.
- Zma will , certainly, remain costlier than competition. simple yaar, all HH bikes are costlier than competition.
again I must admit that the Zma is a very very very good bike and I recommend this bike to all those who want pick up, style and that upmarket feel which no other means no other bike offers.i like it very much (specially handling)
but dont go for it if u a real performance freak and just performance freak.
thats all guys for now and hopefully u have got my point.
waiting for ur comments.