Oh, so all the hush and the push for hero honda karizama huh ? Well , Well, lemme tell you all wonderfull people out there that Karizma dint sell out as it should have or it was supposed to be sold. I will explain everything in detail to all you people and Im sure all of you will agree on my views. The day Karizma was released I told all my group friends that ONE MAJOR thing was missing on the bike and thats a major disadvantage cause bikes in india without that accessory is not gonna work ! and even if it does work ! Real HEP HEP RICH people will only think of buying it !
The reason why I call it definately Female !
You have parked your new karizma in a nice pay and park lot and u have gone for a snack with ur girlfriend and when u come back u find people sitting on ur bike and doing kedas with ur bike ! ...when u say why were u sitting and all that...we get the reply we were just sitting laterz on the move we find out that the Accelerator Cable (Throttle) was rorated more than 1000times the clucth was played with over and over again !
How do u come to know ? -->(same for all bikes) ---> A typical petrol burn smell comes from ur exhaust ! The reason excessive petrol in the engine is getting burnt !
Well if u have a petrol lock u may be saved.
Well let me tell u frankly that karizma MAY be a good powered bike but its very very very delicate !
Here is a true story....
A community pal of mine from Pune had a fall from his karizma...( well no matter how well we drive .. we need to watch out for other disgusting riders ). A yamaha rx fellow suddenly came in his way and he fell due to that ! WOW !what a feeling for the first fall from a new bike that costs almost a LAKH RUPEES.
The Result :
1 ) A Broken Speedo Assembly
2 ) Well Well , there is no leg guard or the bike guard on the bike so all the impact comes on the Fairing ~! Cooool that gave him a broken cracked fairing !
3 ) Front Suspension and Fork out
Total Value for repairs : Rs.9000/-
In Indian traffice there is hardly any person that has not fallen from the bike !
So just imagine !How many times will u bear the expensive repairs ! u might be thinking that we will get insurance but dear people do u know that u dont always get full insuarnce and insurance takes long time to come in hand and all those loooong formalitles.
Now I know what all of u are thinking and saying :
Hello Mr.Hanoz Karizma is a sport bike..none of the sport bikes have leg guards the fairing itself acts as one !
Answer: I agree with that ...but dear MS people just comparee the quality of the plastic used in india. Ive seen Kwasaki Ninjas Crash and Honda CBR crash in videos ! with no affect on their body ! Also accidents are rare in foreign countries but in our country u surely care for ur valuables.
Other things I felt were uselless!
1) Whats a real time clock for !!!???
2) A digital speedo ! excuse me its not gonna last long!
3) Oh man people its got a passion look from behind !
4) Rear wheel to thin compared to the power.A pulsar 180 has thicker tyres.
5) What a low milage !A Honda CBR 450F gives about 18-20km.litre and karizma 25!
6) Hello...are we indians gonna start with REAR DISC BRAKES ?
ok enough of bad points lemme come to the good ones!
1) Excellent Power ! Excellent Push and adrenalin rush thanks to the petrol rush in the engine ! but I wish these honda people could change the structure of the engine and all ....the engine looks SAME like a CBZ !
2) Looks ok ! - A complete fairing would have been a gr8 one. Its like a nakked bike with too many open surfaces for people to put scratches too especially the hood (as I said sick people will do a lot of kedas on it.
3) Pulls wheelies and does Stoppies really easy .
Well inshort lemme tell that Karizma seems to be a nice bike for a very costly price. Its like a status symbol and im damm sure midlde class people cannot afford it at all !
I would rather take a Pulsar180 for 62k and spend the remaining money on the petrol that would last me atleast 2-3 years of petrol (90k-62k=28k) ~!
A digital speedo is not recomemded cause when it will konk off u need to spend about 3000-4000 for a new one OR switch to a basic analog speedo like other bikes.
Removing the front hood (fairing ) will make the bike look just like a modified CBZ !
Lets wait and watch how it performs .
As a bike enthusiast I will keep writing no matter what on whatever I feel thats right and whats wrong.
Upcoming Bikes !
From Bajaj a 220CC powered bike which looks like a aquilla and excellent chasis. ( pulsar fx )
From Suzuki/TVS they realeased the Fiero F2 and now they are in progress of a 250CC powered Fiero.
India has a tremondous market for bikes. So could these foreign companies like Suzuki/Honda along with their Colaboration with these Indian Companies and establish their own company and sell their sport bikes out here.
Im sure they will sell like hot cakes.
I dont care even if they sell outdated sport bikes like the Suzuki GS250X, Honda V200 and the rest cause im sure it will run cause for indian ppl it will be new and the cost would be something same as the cost of a Kinetic Aquilla.
Rating for Karizma : 8/10
Overall Verdict : Good Bike
Thanks for reading ! Take care all u people and drive slowly cause
Life Begins and Even Sometimes Ends @120km/hr