Check out this url for the review of the ever impressive HERO HONDA KARIZMA.......
This has almost everything you want to know about the product but for the
technical specifications..You can find an array of pictures whenever and wherever required.
And plz feel free to let in your thoughts on the review if in case u own or even otherwise.
IT has been a pleasure owning this splendid piece of man-made machinery.And especially on INDIAN ROADS, the comfort is splendid and incomparable.The ride and handling too is impressive.
Well I personally feel this is the best bet on the INDIAN roads in the present day situation and that no other bike can match this bike presently.There might be possible competitors on the way but then the way that the ppl @ hero honda go about their jobs has been commendable and they possibly have a few surprises for the INDIAN consumer up their sleeves.
An amazing work to have a bike that is more than 3 yrs old and still catches the eyes of people all around.A truly remarkable performer.A flip of the throttle and voila, you are away......Zooming ahead of your competitors......