I have been experiencing ride on passion plus since 1 and half year. I bought it somewhere in May 2007. The Passion Plus good recognised brand from Hero Honda, what I feel is classic exapmle of performance degradation of product! It just looks like guy falls in love with his supposed to be Descent Beauty Queen , after a marriage same queen becomes literally headche for him and still he cant divorce with her!!
On initial stage my bike was really fantabulous, smooth in riding. But you know not every love is last long! Initially it was giving me an average around 65km/litre in city and on highway also it was more or less same. The balance of bike was also very great.
Slowly this bike started show me her real face wrapped inside cheap cosmetic layer and I was faint. First thing happened was - average becomes drastically downgraded. It came around 45 - 47 km/litre literally. I noted each and every statistics carefully for every litre of petrol I filled. The result was very disappointing. It was like boy who stood within first 5 rank in 5th class , now going to be regular year down member in 10th.
I lost my some of hair convincing Authorised Hero Honda Service Centre (In Pune) that I am getting worst average. Every time they noted down my problem carefully on paper but nothing change happened in reality. There charges are like anything.
Then another bad thing happened was bikes kick started to slip. I managed it for some days but later I showed it service centre. Again they noted down problem carefully and in reality just after 15 days of servicing same problem started dehydrating my salary. You know, its very hopeless and shameful feeling while facing same problem after regular interval of time. Right now after last months servicing kick is not slipping but I am sure it will start again within few days.
Now you will feel that its over. No friends not yet. Just after giving my pocket the blow of kick slipping it went on further to induce a problem of clutch plate maintainence. This problem was so bad that on each gear shifting my bike was shouting like injured buffalo. Forget about smoothness.
I again lost my some of hairs + money to resolve this problem. Last but not least -- It so happended that on one of the rainy day I was driving at speed of only 25 - 30 km/hr and suddenly I skidded totally horizontally to road on left side of bike. I got massive injury on left knee which lasted long for complete one month before curing. This is was major blow to my bike. It went to induce new problems like Fork Out, Unbalanced Handle Control etc etc. Still then I have delivered my bike for three times for servicing and removal of same problems but this my ex-queen is behaving like bollywood actress switching from one problem to another. The problem of Fork Out is so dangerous that still today my bike tilts to left side of road like I feel doing stunt in "Maut Ka Kuvaa". Plus I am facing problem low battery despite of charging it for couple of times. It horns like someone is farting slowly. Indicators already went in coma. I need to depend on other vechicles headlight to discover my own bikes headlight! One more -- bike is very prone to vibration to air flow and large vechicles noisy air resistance.
I am really disappointed with service centre and bikes performance. In a nutshell I would say passion plus in not having a single useful plus point. You will lost your passion after few months.