I was earlier driving M80 for sometime. It was by no means majestic in ride but gave awesome power for an 80cc vehicle. I bought my new Passion Plus in June 2004. When going for new bike my criteria were It should give good mileage Some be good looking It should have good servicing centres I narrowed down my selection to velocity, Centra and Splendor. I was initially very interested in velocity but due to problems like less options in colours and no appropriate servicing centres in chennai helped me to decide against it. I test rode centra and victor.
But finally I decided to go for splendor(relax guys! I bought passion plus finally!) because of its reputation and I didn’t want to repent not trying it before going for any other vehicle in 100cc+ segment. I felt the difference riding splendor with respect to any TVS vehicle. The engine sound was very smooth and I loved it. Moreover gear changes were smooth as cheese.
I thought of buying it when I came to know that Passion Plus also uses same engine as splendour. Moreover it has superior look than splendor. I tried passion and immediately liked its ride. Its pros 1. Smooth ride 2. Better stability, low engine noise 3. Good mileage(before 1st service I continuously 65+ even after 6 free service and 3 paid service I continuously get 65+ km/ltr mileage) Its cons 1. Pickup not great 2. Look at the rear side of the seat can be still better Overall I would suggest, those who wants to go for good mileage, better look and reliability can go for it. It is not for those street racers who would like to clock great speeds on road.