The passion pro has been given a formal and new look with the choice of bright coloured paintjobs and graphics the new look is a welcome change from the old age designs of the earlier machines and though it`s basically the same basic shape it manages to be`s hard to point out something wrong with a great bike but there are afew things that I felt that could have been improved.the design has been the same for a lot of years the only improvements being a slightly reshaped headlamp and afew shiny colours and graphics apart from these changes you would not find anything that`s different in design from the earlier machines I do think it was time that hero honda gave it a completely new look. its fuel efficiency is quite well around 60km per litre with average speed of 50kmph . its handling is nice . avoid the digital metre from getting into any water it can shut the whole system if you get fuss in any water logged area and drown your front bike part in that, I experienced it and I got my speedometer fuel meter fused . it cant be repared you have to change the whole kit. it has very comfortable seat.affordable petrol consumption. Handling is also easy. . I am very happy buying it. I also suggest everyone to buy this enjoy the rides of life.