I remember one of my friends saying to me proudly that he saw the looks of a tiger in his“Hero Honda Passion Plus“ that was standing stylishly with its side stand on. one of the many proud owners of this sexy little creation from the leaders in Indian bikes, Hero Honda. It would be a great pleasure and honour to review this bike and add more of my personal opinions on it.
The bike is superbly designed and really invoked feelings of awe in me. It just oozes style immensely. At the heart of the entire styling is that headlamp unit. Believe me!! I suggest people to buy this vehicle just for the headlamp unit. Sounds good, such is its impressive nature. The bike is muscularly built and has a very good height. The tail lamp is equally attractive . As of colours, I love the“Black Passion Plus”. But those people who love blue or the slapstickish red have their options to device.
Definitely the bike is commendably strong with double downtube chassis
and many more
Contoured Fuel Tank
Multi- reflector Trapezoidal Headlight and Tail- light
Streamlined Side Cowl
SAFETY Position Lamp
Side Reflector
Wider Wheel Base
COMFORT Adjustable Rear Cushion
Wide & Comfortable Seat
Broad Rear Tyre
Double Cradle Tubular frame
CONVENIENCE Large Storage Space with Locking Facility
Helmet Holder
Lockable Seat
Mileage. This is one thing that an average Indian rider expects from a vehicle normally, more than anything else. In his opinion a good bike is one, which is both reliable and fuel-efficient.
So, this bike impressed me with those stylish looks, strength, suspensions, handling ease and reliability.
Triggering one and all’s passion plus with its styling, the Hero Honda Passion Plus is certainly on course of a best-seller in many a people’s opinion. If you take my consent then you can certainly go for it.
sushil singh