Hi, With the automobile market providing you a motorbike right from 29000(TVS MAX) to 57000(CBZ) , you are really in a dilemna about which one to go for. For the ones who want to buy a bike but have a low budget range then better go for Boxer and if money doesnt matter and looks are more important then they can always adopt a CBZ but for middle class people for whom average of a bike combined with good looks matter , Hero Honda PASSION is the best option to choose. It is priced at 47000 (*) this sign is always there. Any way elegant and decent looks, excellent pickup , larger petrol tank, good suspensions are the plus points of this bike. Most important is the FEEL OF RIDING A MOTORBIKE which you get while riding it.
Company assures you the average of 60 to 70 per km. You can get the average of around 60 km/litre on Highways but till in cities you get an average of about 50 to 55 which is pretty good. You can have a test ride and fel for yourselves that whatever I have written is very true. Thanks Manjeet Khair