Among the many superbrands in India, one that can hold its own in any ground is the Hero Honda company. Right from the Fill it-Shut it-Forget it days, its product have lived up to the customers expectations. After the stupendous success of CD100, they followed it up with Splendor, and now Passion.
After driving a splendor for 5 years and 55000 kms, I decided to go in for a new set of wheels. I almost went for a Splendor, but somehow made a last minute decision change and got a Black Passion Plus. And let me tell you guys...not a bad decision at all.
I got it from Trivandrum for 45000 on road, on February 2005. I clocked 2700 kms so far in it and its hungry for more...
The seat is a nice wide one, and for 6 foot 90 kilo guys like me, its very comfortable. The rear seat is too good. Especially useful if you got an oversize partner. :-)
The pickup and speed are what you usually expect from a Hero Honda. Not exactly a tarmac-screecher...I think it deserves a 125cc engine.
In these Kerala roads the max speed Ive clocked is 75km/h. And thats where you feel the difference from Splendor. As you know, Passion is some 10Kg or so heavier than Splendor, and the extra weight has been put to very good use. The weight is more evenly split to the front and back, as compared to the splendor which felt front heavy while braking, especially if you apply the back brakes alone. And as I was saying, even at high speeds it is very stable and got good balance. I think you can reach at least 85km/h easily without much ado.
Now thats the most important for us. For me currently I get around 60-62 kms for the litre, after heavy city riding. If you drive smoothly without much weaving around traffic, and abrupt gear-changing, you can expect more, I think. I am yet to go for the second service, so mileage might differ along.
Dont have anything to mention here!!!
My experience:
I use it to commute to and fro office, which is 11 Kms away at technopark. Recently I had taken it to my hometown which is 210kms away, and had a real wonderful journey. Didnt feel a bit strain on the back!! Though you might get a little bumpy if the road is bad...but youve the option to adjust the suspension. Havent tried that though... The only bug the bike got after the journey is that its fork is making a clunk sound every time I hit a large pothole...Mightve to replace the fork oil soon.
An excellent combination of performance and reliability. Buy it with your eyes closed. Wont get a better deal. As simple as that.