It was Cycle in my school days..My fascination with cycle started when once I was standing at the bus top waiting for the bus and My friend went whistling past me in his new Herculed MTB..So off I went home and threw a tantrum and the very evening a Hero Ranger was standing in ourgarage..
It was mopeds in the college days..I was huffing and panting in my cycle on a up when a guy in his Hero Puch just zoomed past me..This time again I threw another tantrum and got a new Hero Puch..
It was Bikes in my engineering days..First day I went to the college and was shocked to find the college overflowing with all sorts of bikes..And me??I came back without even bothering to attend the classes that day..That was the last day I drove my Hero Puch..THE next day I came to the
college with my head held high riding a brand new Passion..
Well that was how I got my bike..The journey from a cycle to a Bike has not been easy though..Well the infatuation with my bike may pass over soon in another couple of years but now I just love my two wheeler-My best pal-my Passion..Wonderful to look and great to ride on..A
perfect combo of looks and performance..Well as far as Bikes are concerned it must have great looks..And Passion rules.Great headlight, stylish body and a sleek taillight..Actually it a trendsetter of sorts..Bikes like Freedom, Caliber 115 have similar sort oflooks..The first I
drove it to the college There was a lot of Oohs and wows from the crowd directed at the bike..Man it was bliss..
The vehicle gives decent mileage if not the best..Ofcourse it gives no where near the mileage of BYK or Boxer but neverthless it gives you a mileage around 65 in city which is pretty reasonable..
The top speed bike is 90KMPH though it is advisable not to drive around these speeds..THe vehicle is very smooth and vibration is not felt at will feel like sliding over the surface of the road..And braking..Well you can not call it the best though I have escaped from quite a few
close shaves..The bike pretty heavy and the it is dificult to stop the bike at this speed because of its inertia(too much Physics stuff eh?hey I am an engineer yaar)..It would be even better if a newer version of the bike is released along with Disc Brakes..Handling is top class and manuvering it in a congested road is relatively easy..Riding comfort is ultimate..It is pleasure to ride on this bike..Youdont get sleep..NO problem..Take your bike out and go fro a long night ride..Wonderful feeling it is..
On the whole Passion is a complete bike though IF you compare it with BIkes like Passion and CBZ it falls out on the power..But if you are a person looking for a package of Looks, performance and comfort then go tot eh nearesr Hero Honda showroom and book a Passion..