I have written my first review in Dec 2006 when I bought Pleasure, today in 3 months my scooter has done more than 2800 kms. So its time to share my views with u..
1) Milage Im driving in city of Hyderabad where in city traffic its giving me around 50 k.m. per liter of petrol. most of the times the speed in in between 20-30. So its good average for gearless scooter.
2) Ease of use. The scooter is nice to handle, easy to zoom in the traffic, no hassles perfect city scooter which just zooms with twist of your wrist. Nice balance and no problems with machine or brakes or tires. though I strictly dont drive any time over 50 kph I have drove her upto 60 on Sundays on open roads and less traffic with my kid and wife.
3) maintenance Apart from 1 st free service I havent taken her to Hero Honda dealer, just spent on oil change during 1st service. I get the break adjusted with the tool kit. Just stick to one petrol pump for ur fuel where u know u ll get the clean fuel. the mechanic in the honda showroom advised me to use unleaded fuel for lone life on engine....havent tried it yet.
4) Upkeep I clean it with soap water every sunday...I just pore the water mixed with detergent and then wipe it with duster. The only problem with the bike is its body which is made of fiber/plastic. My scooter has a cracked nose as I dashed it with another vehicle at the signal. I dont intend to change the nose as apart from a small crack at front its all ok and I can change the nose part if I feel any time in future. As my wife is learning to ride the scooter I know therell be more scratches in future.
5) Service Service is good at Honda dealer only thing is they havet given me the Lady Rider membership yet(Vehicle bought on my wifes name). I gave my bike to dealer at around 11.30 and it was ready at 17.30 on the same day. Park your vehicle in shadow so that your milage is not affected and body color is not harmed.Every morning start scooter with kick start - with choke on.this shall keep your battery fine tuned.Thats all friends.....keep smiling Have a safe ride.P.S. Honda Activa has at least 2 months waiting ...why wait when u have Pleasure at less cost and equal capacity/performance.