I got my Splendour NXG in September 2008. It has been nice 10 months of riding this bike. I have completed 5 free services as well.
I decided on the bike after reading so many reviews in the net. So I really wanted to write an elaborate one after on my opinion. I was just waiting to complete the free services, so that I an give all the pros and cons of it. Now the review ofthe bike:
There have been lots of special things to mention about the bike. The bike is a little on the lighter weight side. It is pretty easy to control. For a 100 cc bike where people mention it is not possible to drive in excess of 60 and that you would feel vibration and stuff, this bike does eliminate that point. I travel on the OMR (Chennai Old Mahabalipuram road) to my office.
My normal average speed always around 70 and have often touched the 80s as well. It is very steady and easy to control at that speed as well. And adding to this point at that speed when you try to brake, it responds really well. Not much shake or skid, just slightly and slowly reduces the speed. I can guarantee on this.
It is smooth baby and just sails effortlessly over the roads. Coming to the small small cons....the head lights (or atleast the head light in my bike) are not the best. In the sense, I do travel back home night at times....The coverage on road is less.
When the head light is kept low, the meaning is it should start from right under the nose of your bike and cover a certain distance for you to see tha roads bumps and ride. But it does not cover properly, , , the high beam also literally hits the opposite coming vehicle on the face rather than giving a a nice broad view of the road...This I feel is something that needs to be looked at by the manufactrurers a little seriously.
The mileage factor is the most important one in buying a 100cc bike. It is not the best...or I would call it bad by Hero Honda standards and splendour standards...I just get around 50 meaning 48 to 52, 53 km something per litre...A pulsar gives 45 (150cc)...so one would definitely expect a 10km more out of a nxg...but I am not getting it...the tvs star bikes I have heard give 60+ mileage pretty consistently...So Hero Honda need to look into it...
The looks of the bike perception differ from person to person...So I would leave it to ones choice...I would definitely say it is not the male look of pulsars or apaches...still pretty decent and a little modern compaed to splendour +and tvs star bikes...the graphics are decent...but occupy the whole bike...like on all sides you see hero honda stickers...in future if are planning to do some stickering in your bike you will have to remove these and re-paint...an additional cost I would say...but when u see a pulsar or a apache...lots of vacant spaces for stickers and stuff...
So in all I would say a nice bike...You can definitely live the head light issue that I face, ..not a show stopper...mileage could be better for othernxg riders...please confirm and don go by my word...looks upto u to decide...But smoothness and control...Take my word...The bikes good and is worth the money I would say...
Thanks ...
Cheers !
Vinod Srinivasan