I have bought a new Splendor + vehicle and from the first Iam facing a problem of Head Lamp power, which is ok in splendor the standard12V 35/35W halogen lamp. I am planningto increase the Head Lamp power by getting a 12V 55/60W halogen lamp. When I am driving in the early morning I amnot getting enough brightness from the vehicle. I am little bit worried, if I do this my engine / dynamo will getaffected.
Even I do have Maruti vehicle which is by default rating of12V 55/60W and I have changed to 12V 90/100W, which is delivering an excellentperformance in the highways. Do car and bikes is the same in the case ofDynamo?
Can anyone let me know, whether I can fit a lamp with thisrating, if I can fix it will my bike gives any problem?
Looking forward for your reply.
Ganesh Kumar