I learnt riding bike in a 1979 Model Yezdi(Most of u wud be wondering wht bike is this). But believe me frds it was RX100 of 70s with a big 250CC 2 stroke engine and double silencer.U can imagine the acceleration and sound beats.
But during my graduation I got a slendor. The bike is good for only three things; fiRst when u r riding alone at 40-60km/hr, second when u r riding(not racing) in city traffic and third its spare parts are readily available. Else the bike is good for nothing especially with huge number of choices available in current market.
Handling: Till u r riding alone u will find it easy to control, but once u r double loaded with the rear being too heavy u will feel the bike shaky even in least sharp turns. The bike acceleration will fall as if a car has been tied behind the bike. In highways a speeding bus may blow u away from the road. The rear suspension is too weak and makes censored sounds in bumby roads.
Engine: Compared to other 100cc bike splendor is having the least power. beside this the engine oil needs frequent change @ evry 2000 kms i.e. once in a month for me.
Mileage: the bike can return u upto 57-60kms/liter in city and 65-70kms/liter in highway on the condition u dont cross 40km/hr in city and 50-60km/hr on highway. At 85 to 92 km/hr i.e. wht splendor touches max and rough riding the mileage can come down to even 42-45km/liter. Tht shows poor and outdated engine technology.Hero Honda sud lock splendor speed @ 60. With tht atleast users will get consistent mileage.
Brakes: Again when u r double loaded bike doesnt seems to be in a mood of heavy breaking. u will feel the need of front disc brakes(Disc Brakes are optional in splendor now). The rear brake wears away very soon in city driving condition(Max 5000-6000 km max if u r a decent rider)
After Sales Service: In one word worst. They are more interested in putting new parts than actually rectifying the actual problem. If u ask them to check out the timing chain slackness they will offer u to dismantle the whole engine. This is my personal experience @Nagappa Auto in Chennai.one of the leading Hero Honda Service Centres in Chennai.
This I wrote after riding this bike for more than 50000 kms. With all this negative also I love my slendor for certain reasons. I have some good luck attached to this bike so I m still holding it.else wud have scraped it long before. But it has nothing to do with slendor but the bike which I owe i.e. TN04W0204 coincidently it is a slendor. Will soon go for a new bike mostly Avenger 200cc without selling the current but with the same number 0204.