I am using Splendor for past 9.5 years , I have done non-stop drive , My best drive is 328 kms non Stop Chennai-Bangalore in 4 hrs 50 mts, [ Chennai - Tambaram - Kanchipuram - Ranipet - Chitoor - Kolar - Bangalore ].
I went for Engine overhaul for First time when my vehicle spark plug was having oil deposits where in I have to clean the plug for every 200 to 300 kms of drive So I went for Overhaul at HH Service (City Bikes Bangalore , Job work was done in 4 hrs time In front of me new parts + labour charge I spent Rs.7600) So far I have covered around 92000 Kms ,
One can reley on HH Engine Life approx 85000 kms depends on your driving style.
Average Mileage for City driving use : 65kmpl
Smooth steady driving 40 to 50 kmpl ( 70+ kmpl)
Highway driving @ 90 to 100 kmph speed - 52 kmpl ( Covering 64 to 69 kms per hour )
I have replaced only one Spark plug so far too I broke spark plug when I try to remove the spark plug when it was hot. My first spark plug survied for 58000 kms approx which was NGK plug. Now I am using Mico-Super (Bosh) version of spark which gives is Too Good for Non-stop drive Where in I have done several non-stop drive for 4 to 7 hrs.
Tyres , Break shoe , Seat Covers as standard replacement part of wear and tear. For Nignt driving I have replaced with Halogen Lamp in 1996 , The Standard bulb given at that time blown out when I was driving at highspeed so I went for Halogen Bosh Clear Lamp 35/35W ] Which was launched in 1996 till I have the same in my bike ]
What else do you expect in a 97.77 CC bike Splendor, Which is more than enough.
Note: Donot invest in vehicle above 100CC until and otherwise reqd. [ What ever the bike you use in City traffic you can do max of 40 to 60 kmph ] So HeroHonda Splendor is quite Good enough for Indian Roads.
If you want to do more than 120 kmph speed better go in for Karizma / Bullet etc Where in you cannot think about mileage.
Note: Do safe motor driving, Never Race in City limits, Extra care to be taken while driving what ever speed you do. Always wear head protection Gear if you drive more than 60 kmph speed, with Safe Gears.
I am giving the vehicle feed back after using the vehicle for 9.5 years , Single ownership and driven.
On the First day I did around 400 kms in 20 hrs visiting friends house across on 25th Feb 1996 , Several District what else you do you expect with Splendor..! . - RajanR