Wow penning in for the first time.
This is my first review on mouthshut forum. Well to begin with let me share my worderful experience of my wonder Splendor.
It jus give me immense sense of satisfaction jus to talk about the bike.
My splendor has been with me for more than 5 years. And till now no major prob at all. Its got what all a bike should have.
Well let me list it out.
First its still got the mileage of 65kmpl in city condition. I mean real jam city conditions and I usually drive through at peak times (9-00 am and 7-30 pm).
I can hear a pin drop when riding this bike. Ok....... tho bit too much I mean to say its got that silence of a cycle.
Performance is really great.
Comfort of riding is even better.
Im not some one who wud like to ride a bike in those 30 or 40 kmph. I want it to be fast. It still gives me that pleasure.
And a lot more. May be the only cons is the head light it looses out very quickly.
On the whole its worth getting a splendor. Worth all your money.