HI guys,
All those reading this review here are some cons and pons of this bike..
though I didnt own this bike, its my father who is owning this bike for 7 long years, and a good thing about it is there is less expenses on servicing. It has already done 53000 KM + and still my father has not maintained this bike, i.e. he has not changed the ring piston of this bike and its engine is not yet opened.
The old model is not friendly because of its sound which is lot irritating in 2nd and 3rd gear. I must say its agood bike because of its efficiency. It still gives us 60-67 km/ltr after doing 53000+ KMS. Now my father has decided to buy the new YAMAHA LIBERO Lx for himself if he has to make the engine of this bike. But if you ask me I would recommend LMl freedom prima 110 cc instead of this bike because of less technical specifications and not having advanced instrumentation.
the new splendor 2000 model onwards is pretty good but the new splendor + is not worth at all which is lacked by Freedom Prima, Victor, YBX, and all those stuffs.