I became the proud owner of a brand new Splendor on the 20th January 2000.I have been using the same motorcycle todate.I am really happy with the motorcycle and I can very well say that Splendor has revolutionized the motorcycling experience than anyother motorcycle in its catergory.No doubt it is still the fast selling motorcycle of its kind.During these three years, I have faced very little problems with my Splendor.It rarely needs service if it is maintained well by the owner.I use the 4T plus engine oil for my splendor.I travel a lot using my motorcycle and no regrets for going for a Splendor.One problem Ive faced with this vehicle is the frequent changing of rear brake shoes.Im not sure it is mainly because of the rough roads I travel quite frequently.Its worth a buy and I can recommend this vehicle for all who wants comfort and economy both in terms of mileage and also on maintenance charges.