I was drive A Hero Honda splendor Plus But When I Drive It many Tension In My mind.Now Many Flyover in Dhaka City.When I ride on flyover Then a Tension thats all Engine oil go to backside and then piston hole not get Engine oil and dry, for this the piston hole and piston and its rings are damage because the engine head is lay down, again when I down from flyover then all engine oil flow in piston hole so engine oil enter in busting chamber and smoke comes out from silencer pipe, this is a great problem.
During the rainy season, maximum roads of Dhaka city under water and no way to drive the Splendor because anytime water entrance in silencer pipe and stop the engine.if one time water enter in the busting chamber by silencer pipe then the water damage the engine head.when I was drive in highest at 70KMH then the air of nature pressure on the bike and then I afraid that I was went to accident.when I was drive the bike every time I am in Tension so I called it is a Tension Bike.Passion, CD dawn, CD delux, Glamour is the same condition.Now Honda company is not with HERO so its Quality has gone.But till now our country import on the Name of HERO HONDA.i saw in Dhaka city engine oil comes out at 15000-20000KM because all oil seal has damage in this KMC.so think one time before buy a HERO(HONDA!).Now I drive a new TVS Star and it is a strong bike and Fuel Economy from Splendor plus.Pick up is slow but it is best for me and all in Dhaka city and long distance ride without stop.