I am a computer Systems Suervisor residing in Udupi, Karnataka. I Bought HH SS on June 2006. Now this vehicle covered 16, 000 Kms in city (buzy traffic). Everyday go to office along with my spouce where the distance is 20 Kms. Now my Super splender is giving 71-72 Kms/Litre (Bharat Petrol ordinery). And also I will take my bike to main city also thrice a week. So for I have not spent a single rupee for spare parts except Engine Oil and periodic service.One important point I want to tell you that one has to ride any new bike within in the speed limit of 40 Kms/Hr at least till the bike covers 5000 Kms.
Regarding Engine Oil, I always recommend Castrol Power Oil. Clean and grease the chain for every 1000 Kms. These tips definetely results in good milage, pickup and long durability of the engine. There is no such reason to say that this Super Splender is Bad Bike. with regards, B. Ramachandra RaoBaikadi HouseKadiyali School Rd, Udupi 576102Mobile: 9844995678