I have driven this bike as a part of survey.
There were three bikes to be driven, S Splendor, Discover and Victor GLX.
the first impression which I got of S Splendor is of a dumb bike. Being a bike enthusiast, looks were the sore points for me. Compared to S Spl, Victor is on plus side and Discover is on other end.............it has got the looks!
Thinks changes as you put your legs on them.
Starting from Victor GLX, which do not have the thrills or even utility value of 100 cc victor. Graphics are OK but engine is not worth for 125cc bike.
Discover has got the sportiest stance of the lot. the best part ends here only. Engine of discover needs more punch.
Coming to the main bike, S SPlendor. One line is suffice..................
It has got the stuff required for the segment!
Engine is too good, power is in every gear and pickup is nice along with the manuverability which is also a plus point.
As the market is maturing from 100 to 125 cc bikes therefore; In India the majority which is going to buy this segment bikes would be 25-40 yrs ppl.
S Splendor has got the qualities which would cater to this seg, s needs...........
it has got proper sitting stance, where you can comfortably accomodate your mother, wife and gf. Seat is comfortable and ride have good cushioning for indian roads.
Fuel efficiency is another plus point for a 125 cc bike. but it needed to be checked according to indian driving condition in long run.
Looks are OK, if you are not going for a very sporty stunner.
Above all, it has got the Hero Honda service and dealer network along with legendary Japanese technology.
The verdict is;
if you want bike for normal city driving..............go for it
if you want bike as a image reflector.............go for discover