We have three motorbikes in our house and one of them is super splendor. Its a legend in itself for its mileage .
The first thing that we saw in it while buying was its fuel efficiency which is the best thing about this bike . Normally it gives me around 60 to 65 km per litre of mileage and for college students like me, that is all we need.
It isnt a sportsbike and so you shouldnt be expecting such beauty but it is a pretty decent bike to look at . Given its price, the suspensions are pretty good and I feel very comfortable while riding it .Even its maintanance is very easy and you dont need to keep spending your pocket money for its servicing like you have to do for high end bikes. But there are things that annoy me a lot .
For example I dont really like its headlights whose performance isnt very good even for this price . I have been even facing issues with the horns from the third week of buying it . Well my experience with this bike was ver good . I love it and with few more improvements it can be much better .