I have brought a HH Super Splendor(Black with Electric Purple Graphics) on 1st Jan 2012. Before my ride I was thinking that the bike will give me a 45-50KMPL mileage in the initial days till the 2nd -3rd service and afterwards it will be like 65+(as many people said to me and also the company guys), But giving me a unbelievable surprise the bike is giving me 80kmpl mileage consistently from the first day itself. I am commuting to my office -IMT Manesar from my Res. at Rajiv Chowk- Gurgaon on NH8 daily driving a constant speed of 45-48 KMPH. Till date I have completed 800 kms and also done 1st servicing, but there is no change in the mileage. it is still on the 80KMPL. I am extremely happy with the mileage it gives.
But it also have some cons, it dose not have a DC lighting like the Bajaj Discover bikes have, which gives constant light. Due to narrow rear Tyre control is not good on the bad patches of the road. But overall the bike seems OK.
There is some doubt in my mind that is this excessive mileage would create any problem latter? Should I ask the service center guys to adjust for reducing the mileage? Please share your opinions!