I have purchased new Bajaj discover 125 st in July 2012 but I sold it in November and purchased Ignitor in January and I m very happy with my decision.
Ignitor is far better than discover.. discover s**ks.
-start problem in discover. it gives heavy jerk in morning
-mileage I was getting only 45-46 till 3500 kms...
- not smooth....dts I engine is poor in discover 125 st..
some vibrations at 50km/hr and it makes vibrating sound also of that plastic speedocover....very irritating.on double riding on highways top speed is 55 only..at 60 u will feel that y this bike is not good..u can try in test drive at 60 with double riding.
-even it cant pull on double ride on upgoing roads. I have to shift on 1st gear sometimes . while coming down also engine feels load and not smooth..and makes sound very much
all these made me sell discover after 2 month survey I purchased ignitor
i left unicorn bsz new unicorn has so many complains as u also can check on net and unicorns pick up is also poor as compared to other 150 cc bikes.also it is giving only 42-45 mileage only.. dnt believe wat company says 60..i surveyed and asked 30 customers of new cb unicorn in my city and all of them said it is giving only 42-44km/l.
So finally I purchased hero ignitor. I purchased this bike on 7th jan 2013 and till now it covered 566 kms..
it is a very nice product from hero..compared with stunner it is far far far better.
stunner lack the chain cover... digital speedo... ignitor is really a super bike.
now let me tell u my experience. Mileage before first servicing I checked is 49, 50, 52.
52 is on highways... 49 -50 in city..
nd I hope I will surely get 55+ after first servicing and few 300 kms...
no vibrations at all.. simply smooth bike and make u feel proud what u have invested on this bike..
lookwise is is very stylish..make u feel like 150 cc bike riding wise...
comfortable and smooth engine...and very easy to handle....
Pros :
stylish, wider rear tyres like unicorn, comfort, mileage and handling
pick is good compared to other 125 cc bikes specially discover 125 st.
really tuff and masculine bike...not let u down ever...
- gears shifting is little hard, but during first servicing they will rectify the problem.