ENGINE: Displacement 110.9Cc, no of cylinder 1, engine type SOHC, Max power 8.31Bhp 8000rpm, Max torqur 8.30NM @ 6500rpm TRANSMISSION: Type CVT, Clutch type Dry, Chassis and suspensior front type bone type, Rear suspension unit swing with spring loaded hydraulic dampe
BRAKES: Front type and Rear type Drum TYERS AND WHEEL: Wheel type Alloye Tyer front 90/10010 53j, Rear 90/100 53j
ELECTRIC: Start type Electric, Kick, Head lamp type Heloge, Battary Dry, Tail lamp type LED tURN INDICATORS TYPE CRYSTAL. Hay alll, I have been riding this hero maesto edge from last 2 month and I realy happy with my purchase. Its seat comfort to the ride. Its 110cc engine deliver impressive performance with fuel efficiency of 48 kmpl in busy city streets and around 60 kmpl on highway. The looks vice its look very good/ There are lots of features you can fill the fueal without open the seat .
Its build back of the seat you can see in photo witch I upload in this review. Its back "STOP" light look beautiful you can open seat and petrol door lock with the key . It is easy to used and its flash light is very good of highway The Hero Maesto Edge tag line is "FEEL THE JOSH" you realy feel the josh