The new Heroes in town are out to prove a point in the scooter segment ruled byHonda Activa. One of the new Hero scooters, Maestro Edge, has already won the prestigious Scooter of the Year at the2016 NDTVs Car and Bike awards.The other more practical Duet isnt too far behind its sibling in terms of capability. But its the Maestro Edge that packs in all the goods to take on the mighty Activa.
Completely developed in-house, Hero has looked to offer appeal, features and a peppyengine in both scooters.TheMaestro Edgelooks to be bolder in character from the regular Maestro thats currently on sale. The sharper lines, attractive front aero-ducts, and stylish silencer give the Maestro an edge.quite literally. The Duet has a more no-nonsense look to it but at the same time is pleasing tothe eye particularly in red. From the rear, both scooters are fitted with LED tail lights which are quite striking.But where the new Heros really score is the functionality of elements on board. I like therear fuel-filler pods on both scooters that are well-integrated with the design,