This the best off scooters you can get in the oneten cc of engine it is light weight and a very good scootrr for the new learners lets come to the point stright.
This the scooty Im driving for past 2 months on basis of my own experience or you can user advice or user review Im reviewing the HERO MASETRO EDGE this my second scooty for this year first I got the HERO DUET which was also a hero product hero is now more focused on scooty of 110 cc first he launched HERO DUET and now HERO MASETRO EDGE I like the maestro as much as I like my duet but the fact is maestro is more edgey and is more stylish the mat black colour is insane according in terms of looks it is awesome but when it comes to stabality and performance it passes it agai the hero has done a great job on this vehical first the maestro turned good for hero so he decided to make a brother of maestro and it was tearmed as hero maestro edge it has won awards too the power it gives when you move your wrist is awesome it fun to drive I highways and many other places such like the nice city roads etc the suspension on the vehicle is also great it is stable on bad roads and respones pretty fadt then of the other vehicles the brakes are nice and stiff all hero has to do is work on tiers of vehical or providde ABS in yhe vehical because I fell from it because of abit of water on the road the tires dont help that much to make grip on road overall the vehicle is awesome and unbeatable thank you .