You met someone special and he assured you that he will write to you / call you / take you out / marry you ? He does neither. You are waiting near the phone since a long time. It does not ring. You check you email 4563 times a day. You get messages from everybody but him. You tell yourself that he may be busy or maybe so hopelessly in love with you that he is afraid to own up to this shattering fact. You bide your time. One fine day you see him, he gives a soulful look, says he has been missing you, your heart is lost again. He assures you that he will send you mail. You wait again. The inbox remains empty.
This is not just true for a person. This may even be true for a job, a special position, a friend or an event. Tell me. how many hours, how many days and years have you wasted waiting for that something special to happen to you ? And it does not happen. You wait, you dream and you learn to live on your faith and on your faith alone. Life is passing you by and opportunities are drifting away after knocking on your door which remains unanswered because you are so busy dreaming about something which will never happen ?
Get real. Face the truth. Even if it hurts.
It’s never going to happen.
It’s nothing but a mirage.
You are running after an illusion while life is passing by. In the end you will have nothing but your own empty hands to look at.
That’s it. Done ? It hurt, didn’t it ? I know you are feeling like a failure. You are feeling rejected. Yet, I can tell you that it will make you a stronger person. You will get up, shrug off the dust of time lying heavily on your clothes and emerge a determined person – to erase your past and start afresh with new hopes and dreams which may even come true. You will be finally free. Go ahead. Liberate yourself.
This is where this book comes in.
‘He’s just not that into you’ talks about a similar scenario. I confess that I have broadened the viewpoint somewhat and generalized the concept but the basic essence of this book is the same : The need to adress the reluctance to face rejection and a constant urge to live in a fool’s paradise and hoping against hope that your impossible dreams will come true one day.
Plot : The dreamer in this book is the average American single woman. The dream is the perfect relationship, which is as elusive as looking for a perfect world.
She meets men on and off at work, in parties, on the beach or even online. She is perplexed and confused by the mixed signals she gets and wonders aloud in letters written to some kind of ‘Agony Uncle’ which are answered in the most direct, frank and sometimes cruel manner to her.
Readability : Smooth, fluid and easy. The tone is conversational and simple and you will feel as though somebody is just sitting across and talking to you. It’s hilarious, interesting and engrossing. You may end up finishing this book from start to finish in a matter of a few hours.
The basic essence : The basic message of this book is plain and simple : Cut the chase and narrow down to the truth, even if the truth is not what you want to hear. Well, but you better hear it because it may be good for you, just like a bitter pill that may restore your emotional health.
Now let me give you some information about this book which will help you estimate how popular it is. This book was released in September, 2004 and is the biggest best seller so far already ! It has already sold about at 1.2 million copies and is in its 14th printing. As I write this, the figure may have leaped up even more.
This book especially appealed to me because even though I am a dreamer, I like to be grounded to reality as well. Sometimes life may not be filled with rosy colors. It may be grey and grim. Yet it may feel very solid and real beneath your feet. So respect yourself, all you dreamers. Wake up and smell the coffee. And estimate yourself well. Don’t buy empty promises and vacant dreams which will lead to nothing but regret. Love yourself more. Much more than anyone or anything else.