It seems Im one of the early survivors whove returned
home fine after HEYY BABYY!
You are are excited about watching it, aren’t ya??
YES, Its gotta a good air about it, theres SRK’s peek-a-boo, there are a dozen
bollywood babes hurled up in the title song, quite a bit more in the promos
which would entice you to walk in for it. But heres the real deal, as
real as the *buddha *bhoot in any of our horror clichés who says *"BABUJI
I skimmed through the review above me before I started off, & all due
respect to the emotional angle which my buddy above has considered, I give
it(the movie) a thumbs* *down!!!
All so much talent that "could" have been well used is entirely wasted.
Akshay, Vidya *pareenita *Balan, Boman irani, all WASTED!
SRK has a teeni weeni cameo but even his expression is understandably flat, &
you realize it yet again how important Direction is than flashy
backgrounds & a mega star turn up, to save a movie.
Most of you know about the story, no point in pondering over that. My
suggestion from scratching my head through the film is that you better donate
your movie money here
& Somewhere sometime, a handicap dog would get to have a Hot choc Fudge
& fries.( I know twas a bad joke, but there aint anything funny bout the
movie either dude!)
I pledge to start a NGO for the benefit of people who have
suffered from watching movies Directed by the deadly Siblings, FARAH &
SAJID KHAN, fellas who have suffered already or are planning, could drop their suggestions for a name in comments.