I moved to my new home in April 2005. I noticed a lot of cockroaches and pests by October. I knew of local pest control ways, they fog, they fumigate and do all sorts of things that drive out humans, not pests.I decided to take a chance with Godrej Hi Care, even though their charges were steep compared to others.
I called them up, the service person came, looked at the house and told me the charges. Since I had made up my mind, I decided to go for it. He did a quick job, finished his job in about 20 minutes, pretty quick!Results were quick, I was happy.
I have continued using their treatment ever since. Over the last 6 months, I get SMS alerts for routine treatments. I have also noticed that the service person lands up at the promised time.I have read reviews complaining about their service. I think I am lucky.
I have not come across any problems till now. However, I have noticed that pests start coming around about 3 months after the treatment (their treatment is once in 4 months). So, I gave a letter to the person to arrange for treatment every 3 months, not heard from them yet.