I signed up for 5 year anti-termite treatment for my home. It was costlier that PCI offer, but I still signed up for Godrej because of their great marketing. They gave me beautiful brochure and explained how advanced they are in this field. They showed(in the brochure) some special instrument which they use to find termites. They said it can locate termites moving behind walls even before we notice any visible activity. using some thermal imaging technique.
When the service guys came for the treatment, they didnt have any device. The marketing guy was with them the first time and I asked why they arent using the device and he said it is not needed the first time and they would come with the device for inspection every 6 months during the 5 year contract and would take preventive action. It never happened.
After about 9 months, the termites returned visibly(there was no sign of their inspection) and I called them. After several calls, someone came for inspection. They still didnt have any device and I asked the technician about it. He didnt even knew such a device existed. He refused to believe that termites returned and luckily I had photographed before removing it. And he did some treatment only on the place where termites were seen. I asked about 6 month inspections and he was trying to change topic.
The 6 month inspections didnt follow still and after about another 8 months, termites returned in a few other places. I had been calling them for over 4 months and the operator would say someone will come within a week and no one ever turns up. After calling them repeatedly at 1 month intervals, they came and took a look around and returned saying there are no termites seen now.(Obviously we didnt keep the termites in place, it was just cleaned).
I am fed up with Godrej hicare service. Ill never renew their contract. Id rather look at other options such as PCI.
Hope this review would help others from falling prey for this kind of worst service.