So hike is another text messenger which lets u connect with people all over the world. So whats special about it? Or why you should use it?
Well to start with hike is an overall package. It not only offer you text messaging but also other features like voice calling, video calling, voice text, etc.
The main USB of hike is fun and unlimited FREE stickers. The stickers are designed as such, u will feel so connected while using them.
Besides this u can also enjoy other stuff at hike namely, just for laughs, cricket, news etc.
U can also send free text messages to those who arent using hike messenger. And not to forget you can choose specific individuals with whom u want to share your dp and status updates.
Overall My experience with hike was okay. I would rate it 5/5. However I personally feel whatsapp is better than this because of its simplicity and easy to use interface. Still you can give it a try