I have come back to write a review on this product, long after I had installed and immediately uninstalled it.
I will tell you what had happened. I received a referral saying that If I install this MADE IN INDIA, social app, the guy sending the referral will get some money, but mainly I was impressed by its larger file size and many other features. As soon as I installed this app, it automatically send smses to people listed in my contacts, asking them to join this messenger, with my Name, saying that I have invited them.
I am an Officer in The Merchant Shipping, with contacts of bidwigs in the industry. Imagine my embarrassment, when all of these people started receiving invitations on my behalf. I had to later, sms them once again, asking me to pardon me for this sms, which was sent accidentally.
I can assure you, this can happen only in India. If this was any other civilised country, these app makers dare not intrude privacy and do such thing, due to fear of law, but here, everything is fine.
So, this is my experience. I hope you gain advantage of it.