My skin type is little bit oily. I have not dark but not too white type of skin colour. I live in two places both having different kind of climate. Due to this sometimes I notices pimples on my face. Every time I move from the hot region to cold region pimples start to show up. Among other creams and face washes I tried Himalaya Neem face wash too. I started to feel the difference in less than two weeks.
Just after a few uses my pimples become less inflamed and lost their redness, they also shrinked in size in about a week of use and are on their way to disappearing. I really do like this product. Its very effective for taking out the oil and dirt on your skin. I think it worked really well. Even though it is a slow process, it didnt irritated my skin.
Its drying, definitely. After a few uses my skin felt tight and dry but after prolonged use the dryness lessened. I recommend using this at night before you go to bed, meaning only once a day at best. Have an alternate soap for your morning routine or use a light moisturizer or facial mist after use. Its ideal for very oily skin but not for many other skin types as it will just dry out your face.