Its just morning 7am here, I just woke up and found some itching in my mouth.
Went directly to mirror and opened my mouth, and slowly running my toungue all over the teeth which had bad gum problem. When my toungue was trying to find out what was that itching problem in teeth then suddenly one small piece of badgum come out of it.
I was I amazed with this, how is this possible. I used 100s of tooth pastes which always helped badgums to grow. Then suddenly it clicked to my mind this is the effect of Himalay Dental Cream which I just started to used from past 10 days.
Thats all I want to say here about grate Himalaya Dental Cream, which is doing wonder.I donot want to write big big stories on this in simple words I will say use this herbal 100% product which has no sideeffects and see the results. For me it gave results in 10 days.
Ok now I will tell how I reached to this great product in my life, I was having problem in with my hair with lots of dandruff, so searched for good shampoo then I reached to Himalaya herbal dandraff sampoo which also did amazing job on my head. Then I thought "i am sure there will also be tooth paste made by these guys" . went to himalaya website( and found the product. Thanks to Himalaya - You rock.