The gel has quite a pleasant, firm texture and doesn’t smell strange despite the neem and tumeric. It may have marginally helped to clear up some excess oil but I don’t think I benefited much from its anti-acne/pimple properties, since I rarely get zits. I did have a giant zit on my forehead which I popped a few days ago but it’s healing quite quickly, so I’m not sure again if this gel cleanser is helping me.
I don’t feel like it cleanses that well either. Due to its rather viscous texture, it doesn’t spread out as easily as I’d like and I feel like I’m dragging my skin sometimes.
At RM26.90 for 150ml, this is definitely a budget buy. Whether or not this works on pimple-prone skin, I can’t tell, but I dont’ think I reaped that many benefits. Would I buy this over Clinelle’s Deep Cleansing Gel, which retails at around RM33+ for 100ml? I’m not sure either, because Clinelle’s DCG cleans off a bit more make-up than this one. I suggest this at night with a double cleanser if you like it, because this is not strong enough to remove any makeup.