I am a guy with oily face always and to get rid of that I started using face washes. I didnt know about such products and I bought a garnier face wash ath the first time seeing the advertisements and for me it was not working out. The pimples were no going as well as the wash made me irritated as the soapy feeling was not even going after 2-3 wash with water. And tired of using that I went to market for buying the Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash 2 weeks ago as per the suggestion from my friend.
I bought one for 127 rs and can you believe my pimples have started to fade after 3-4 days of continuous usage and there is no side effects what so ever. The Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash is suitable for every type of skins as it is a more natural product than other face washes. From my personal experiences those who want to get rid of the pimples I strongly recommend the Himalaya Purifying Neem Face Wash to use for a week you will find the difference for sure!