Everyone knows the peculiar features of neem and this neem face pack from himalaya, they really done the job.Specially, it works better for people who are suffering from pimbles and acne prone skin.So I have bought this because I was facing the above problems.Guyzz its really suits well on my face.It has got mild smell, dark green coloured and very thick formula. Paste like consistency of this face pack made application is very easy.Its purely natural product.I used to apply this at night before going to bed and I keep it for only 10 minutes, then wash it off. 10 minutes is more enough to keep this pack on face.The first use itself I able to see that my skin feels so purified, so clean and active in removing tan on my face.Its suit well on my skin without making dry.It is taking some time to reducing all the pimbles on my face but slowly doing the work.It also help to prevent fungal causing germs on my face.So I keep this face pack whenever I feel my face is dull, need to be cleaned and purified by removing all the dirts from my face. So thank you himalaya.