Hey, I am thinking of becoming a Music Director and a singer as well. So what if I do not know to play any musical instruments. What if I do not have that vocal chord. Although its true that I am in no way related to music accept that I enjoy playing it on my computer, I am really inspired by the overnight fame Himesh has achieved. Seems that all you got to do to become a (in)famous music director and singer is that you got to eat a lot of ice cream and then when all your nose and throats are choked, you got to sing some poor lyrics none better than the nursery rhimes, then you got to add some catch beats to it and then you got to torchure the public by advertising it. Boommm.. you are done. Thats the shortest way to popularity and prosperity. Well, atleast Himesh seems to have taken the same way.
And kudos to the janta who is so frustrated that they do not fail to make a overnight hype about somebody or something who is a even a little different no matter in what way is it different. So, pack up your bags all Sonu Nigams and Udit Narayans and Abhijeets and A R Rehmans and Jatin Lalits and leave the scene because the all time great singer and music composer Himesh is here, just like a bolt from the blue.
Himesh has wisely targetted the young senseless college going chaps and party animals freaking around with Music Players plugged into their ears and having no bloody sense of music. They just want some Stomping beats and thats what Himesh gives them coupled with his cacophonous voice.
All his fans, please let me know if you find something new in his songs than the previous ones. He is height of monotony and cacophony. His music does not even share enemity with melody. May Kishoreda and Rafi Saab rest in peace and may Himeshs noise pollution never disturb their soul.
His music is so short lived and not at all hummable (unless you have severe cold). Its gets burried somewhere deep down the memory pile even before it breathes. And believe me, its just a matter some more time. Let few more Xerox albums by this good for nothing so called composer and singer arrive or wait for somebody else with some different genre pop up in the picture and he will soon be defiled. After that, Himesh will be a Blink and Miss phenomenon in the history of bollywood. Thanks to these 24/7 music channels otherwise his work could have had a timely death.
However, although I feel that Himesh is bad, rather worse, but there is no denial to the fact that the publics taste is worst.
Good directors and composers have always shown, time and again that even a dance number can have some sensible lyrics and some kind of melody. Himesh... please, its a sincere request, either you improve or you quit and spare us......
Good luck with you career Himesh...
Dinesh Rathi