HIMMATWALA ! It definitely takes a lot of courage (Himmat) for people to watch the movie in theatre and come out without getting pissed off. People who actually watched the movie today in a theatre are the true HIMATWALAs in true senses.
I am mesmerised with the cinematic senses of Sajid Khan. He claims to be the Encyclopaedia of Bollywood Cinema, It turned out to be a real shame for Bollywood with his own movie. He claimed this movie to be a super hit way before its release, I wonder from where he gets such (Over)confidence from. He claims Himmatwala (old) to be his favourite movie, it clearly states what kind of taste and sense he has about cinema. He claims to watch Himmatwala (old) 38 times, it proves what kind of understanding he has about cinema. He claims to collect all movie tickets he has watched till date, I guess his collection is going to grow enormously now with tickets of his own movie.
By HIMMATWALA Sajid Khan gave a tribute to 80s cinema and by this review I am giving a tribute to people who watched the movie today and turned their GOOD FRIDAY into THE WORST ONE. What an awful way of wasting time and money and ruining a holiday. A one minute true condolence for people who actually went for an advance booking. Dont worry, you are not the only one, I am victim of this idiocy too.
I dont get what actually was the point of remaking a movie which was anyways a remake of a south Indian movie. Mr. Encyclopaedia watched it 38 times and wanted to Re-remake it So, we have served with a product which has no relation with things like sense and logic. Its not a problem that its a remake, there are lot of remakes which are critically acclaimed and entertained audience. Its not a problem that the movie has a 80s plot, there are lot of movies which have done that in an intellectual and entertaining way and looked good on screen. The problem is non-substantial of the movie. The problem is the Script, Dialogues, Cinematography and most importantly Direction. If a directors job is to ruin the movie then Sajid Khan did his job very well. His sense of humour is so pathetic that you would be tempted to hang yourself in the theatre itself, the unavailability of a rope saved me only. His sense of seriousness is so not connected that you could hear laughter in the most serious scenes.
Sajid claimed that this is going to be a super hit and will earn over 100 crore. "I will never make a flop film. Himmatwala is always a super hit", were Sajids exact words. This film could be a hit because people today love to watch mindless movies and Sajid has aced himself in mindless stuffs in terms of movie making. He should understand that this is not 80s anymore and there are things called seriousness, logic, sense which are related to cinema as well. But why would Sajid bother about things like these, he is the Encyclopeedia after all.
I dont get why Ajay Devgan has been a part of the movie, he has done quite good roles , I wonder what tempted him to be a part of Himmatwala. He turned out to be a misfit for the role big time. But who could have done a justice to the role? I believe no one. Sajid himself would have been the perfect match, because such a confidence in those super idiocity filled scenes. Only Mr. Encyclopedia could have filled the gap. Tamannah was not bad. She needed a platform and she got that. Paresh Rawal and Mahesh Manjhrekar are good actors but if the script has substantially nothing then they cant help it either.
The music is average but again majority is borrowed from the original movie. Not only Music but Costumes, Sets, Choreography and everything. As per other songs concerns like "Bum pe laat", they were literally a kick on bum. Pathetic !
As per action concerns, it was so undigestive that I just couldnt stand it.
Today any movie could be a super hit and can collect over 100 Crore. Its all about good publicity and marketing. But a box office collection of a movie has nothing to do with the rating of the movie content. Sajid Khans other movies like Heyy Baby, Houseful and Houseful 2 may be a good collector in box office but they are also filled with cheap comedy, poor scripting and pathetic direction. Only association with bigger and established actors did save his movie. But there is a limit to over confidence and Himmatwala is the biggest example.
I read somewhere that Sajid Khan also claimed that if you dont like the movie you can claim for a refund. It didnt mention where to make the claim. If anyone knows by which source I can get the refund, please let me know. I may not get back the time I wasted but even if I get back the money, it will atleast lower down my frustration.
And Sajid, Please grow up . . . . . . Mentally. You may think that those mindless things are entertaining but they are actually a headache.