I am telling about a college.Which is located in Gwalior .Hindustan Institute of technology effliated by rgpv bhopal in b.e. .
This is not a good college at the purpose of good education in graduation.This is not a college .It is factory.There is not any good atmosphere of education, no good facilities, not well faculties and the most important part is placement.There is no campus placement.
I am sharing information about my friend, He is studying in hindustan college gwalior .In this year he gave the exam of 1sem in b.e. .but when the result was declared by rgpv .He saw backlog in one subject.but when he saw his number in backlog subject.It was above passing marks.When he called rgpv helpline number.Then he known that the mid sem marks of this subject didnot send to rgpv by college.Due to this you got backlog in this subject.
So my friend you can also decide about this college.There is no responsible person.