I got my car full tank at Bangalore with 22 lts of petrol and left for Hoggenekal. On my return, I decided to stop at HP Junction Shoolagiri NH7 Krishnagiri Distt (Along with Cafe Coffee day and a Company owned outlet) Tamil Nadu and get some fuel filled as it was just cheaper than Bangalore, though I had sufficient petrol to reach Bangalore.
That turned out to be my biggest mistake. Those guys cheated my of entire worth of petrol as my fuel gauge didnt move a bit after refueling. I went for some snack on the same premises and was convinced those guys had cheated me, as fuel attendant after stopped twice during refueling citing electricity and generator issues (Though he entered Rs. 500 in their automated machines and decided to fill fuel manually).
On reporting this to office there, they said its issue with my fuel gauge, which in fact had no problem as it came down while coming to Bangalore and went up on refueling next day as I hadnt got any petrol at HP junction.
After arguing with some time, they failed to accept their mistake, and I had to leave after taking their Supervisor A.Venkateswara Rao (Comco Officer) contact details(ph 9790235125 and email - vrakisetty@hpcl.co.in). He confirmed that he will refund the money at the earliest, but kept dodging me for five next days with different excuses. Then finally my patience gave in and had to file a complaint with HP folks but their action too seems to be limited, so I was forced to write about brazen thefts taking place right at company owned HP petrol pump and with the response and behavior all employees there seem to be party to it.
Kindly avoid this petrol pump as these folks take advantage of National Highway as no will come back after travelling a distance to complaint against them. Also this act got noticed as siphoned not 1 or 2 litrs but entire amount, otherwise my fuel gauge would have reported some fuel leading into believing that I got full returns for my money paid. Also, Mr A.Venkateswara Rao would make you believe that he is taking action and would promptly return the money but will fall into his trap of lies as I havent got my money till date(after 10 days). He himself seems to be a party to it and pilfering innocent peoples hard earned money.
I request HP top brass to take stern action against such employees and prevent such things happening in future again. I got a call from HP review team against my complaint on their grievances site. Seems Mr A.Venkateswara Rao made full use of 5 days of dodging by manipulating their machines as their team failed to find any justification for my complaint. I feel dejected after being cheated, no action is being taken against those culprits and they are being let off for my delay.
Guys, never fall for any assurance untill they pay you upfront. Mr A.Venkateswara Rao used his promise of refunding my money to dodge me all the while, whereas he was just correcting his mistake in the pump.